Saturday, December 4, 2010

AA in Criminal Justice

The Associate in Arts in Criminal Justice program is designed to provide students with knowledge of U.S. law enforcement practices, courts, and correctional systems. Continue reading for more information about this Strayer University online program.
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Official Program Name:

Associate in Arts in Criminal Justice

School Offering Program:

Strayer University

Degree Level:


Program Prerequisites:

Individuals interested in applying to this program may have a strong moral core. They may also have an interest in examining laws and learning about the American judicial branch of government. Applicants to Strayer University should have already earned a high school diploma or equivalent; however, graduate or specialized programs may have additional requirements.

Program Description:

The Associate in Arts in Criminal Justice program is designed to teach students theories of why people commit crimes. The curriculum is intended to examine the differences between crimes perpetrated by adults and minors and the systems involved in the trying and sentencing of these individuals. In addition, participants have the chance to gain an overview of international black-market, organized, and terrorist crimes as well as the global agencies that are in place to prevent these activities. Students also have the opportunity to examine the role of computer technology in criminal justice administration. Participants should be able to leave the program with an understanding of legal terms and the differences between business, cyber, physical, and personal property crimes.

Learning Format:

Online and Campus-Based

Total Credits Required:

90 credits

Financial Aid:

Students enrolled in Strayer University may be eligible for federal grants and loans, employer tuition assistance, military benefits, state grants, institutional scholarships, and private loans.

Required Courses for an Associate in Arts in Criminal Justice:

Degree program and course requirements are subject to change. Contact Strayer University to confirm the most accurate information before enrolling in a program.
Area I - Core Component (22.5 credits)
  • BUS 100: Introduction to Business
  • CIS 105: Introduction to Information Systems
  • CRJ 100: Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • ENG 115: English Composition
  • MAT 105: Introduction to College Mathematics
Area II - Major Component (36 credits)
  • CIS 170: Information Technology in Criminal Justice
  • CRJ 105: Crime and Criminal Behavior
  • CRJ 180: Juvenile Delinquency and Justice
  • CRJ 220: Ethics and Leadership in Criminal Justice
  • CRJ 330: Comparative Criminal Justice
  • LEG 320: Criminal Law
  • SOC 205: Society, Law, and Government
  • PSY 110: Social Psychology
Area III - General Studies Component (22.5 credits)
  • ENG 215: Research and Writing
  • HUM 101: The Origins of Western Culture
  • SCI 110: Introduction to Physical Science OR SCI 115: Introduction to Biology
  • PSY 100: The Individual and Society OR PSY 105: Introduction to Psychology
  • SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology
Area IV - Elective Component (9 credits)
Students select these courses with the help of an academic advisor.

Post-Graduation Opportunities

Furthering Your Education:

Graduates of the Associate in Arts in Criminal Justice program could go on to pursue a bachelor's degree. By continuing their education, students can train in a field of study more closely geared toward their career goals. Those interested in enrolling in a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice program may be able to apply their associate degree credits toward this major.
Other bachelor's degrees that graduates could work toward include, but are not limited to:
  • Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies
  • Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Public Administration

Career Paths:

Strayer University's Associate in Arts in Criminal Justice curriculum is designed to develop students' knowledge of crimes and the government's role in processing alleged criminals. Individuals who have completed this program could be able to find work with private businesses, retail establishments, or public organizations.
Possible entry-level careers that could be open to associate degree holders include:
  • Court clerk
  • Loss prevention specialist
  • Security representative

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